Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Face your fears—no one else will face them for you!

Mingling in my comfortable Miss Match outfit after the show was over.
This is a repost from my work blog, but it's one of my favorites. I'm still so thankful that I did this. I thought today would be the perfect time to share it again!

I think I’ve mentioned before that I am not the biggest fan of public speaking. When I took Communications 101 in college, it was probably one of the toughest classes for me—but, also one of the most rewarding because it helped me improve in an area that was not my specialty. Sometimes you have to do things that scare you—whether it’s at work, school or in your personal life. Why? It keeps you from being complacent and, usually, you’ll learn something new about yourself to help you conquer future challenges.

One of my favorite clothing stores, Miss Match, asked me and a bunch of other girls if we’d take part in a fashion show they were putting on to raise money for StandUp for Kids. When they first asked me, the answer that came to mind was, “No, thanks!” Walking down a runway in front of strangers? I don’t even like speaking in front of people that I know sometimes! But, I’m also a huge fan of charity and helping people in need. So, I had to do it. The event was last night and I was completely nervous the entire time—until, of course, it was over. Now, I’m so happy that I decided to be a part of something that helped raise awareness for a good cause. Guests of the fashion show were asked to donate new pairs of socks for homeless children and many companies donated their time, products and services to make the event a success. 

It was a great feeling, and Jeremy was proud of me for doing it.

Today I urge you to keep doing things that scare you and push your own limits. Who knows—you may end up helping others by doing something that you wouldn't normally do.

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